Sunday, August 2, 2009

Help with C# Code please?

Can anyone help figure out what I am doing wrong? I'm trying to pass value and calculate cost

using System;

namespace Lab4


class Carpet


static void Main()


// Declaring Variables

double cost=0;

double price=0;




CalcCostOfCarpet(length, width, price, cost);



static double GetLength(double length)


string userin;

Console.WriteLine("Please enter Length:");

userin = Console.ReadLine();

length = Convert.ToDouble(userin);

return length;

} //end GetLength

static double GetWidth(double width)

{ // start GetWidth

string userin;

Console.WriteLine("Please enter Width:");

userin = Console.ReadLine();

width = Convert.ToDouble(userin);

return width;

}// end GetWidth

static double GetPricePerSquareFeet(double price)

{ // start GetPricePerYard

string userin;

Console.WriteLine("Please enter Price per square yard:");

userin = Console.ReadLine();

price = Convert.ToDouble(userin);

return price;

} // end GetPricePerSquareYard

static double CalcCostOfCarpet(double length, double width, double price, double cost)

{ // start calculate carpet

cost = (length * width) / 9 * price;

return cost;

}// end calculate carpet

static void DisplayCostOfCarpet(double cost)

{ // start DisplayCostOFCarpet

Console.WriteLine("Cost of Carpet{0:C}",cost);

Console.WriteLine("Press Return to Continue");


} // end DisplayCostOfCarpet


Help with C# Code please?
Not to be picky but you have too many spaces in your


Also starting comments before or after a brace is a no-no ^_^

int fuc()


do something...


That's a little hard to read, even with the spaces.

int func()



do something



or the quick coder's way:


int func(){

do someting



Compact, neat, and very easy to read. It makes debugging

easier on so many levels.

Formatting ftw.

Reply:using System;

namespace Lab4


class Carpet


static void Main()


// Declaring Variables

double cost = 0;

double price = 0;

double length = GetLength();

double width = GetWidth();


CalcCostOfCarpet(length, width, price, cost);



static double GetLength()


string userin;

Console.WriteLine("Please enter Length:");

userin = Console.ReadLine();

double length = Convert.ToDouble(userin);

return length;

} //end GetLength

static double GetWidth()

{ // start GetWidt

string userin;

Console.WriteLine("Please enter Width:");

userin = Console.ReadLine();

double width = Convert.ToDouble(userin);

return width;

}// end GetWidth

static double GetPricePerSquareFeet(double price)

{ // start GetPricePerYard

string userin;

Console.WriteLine("Please enter Price per square yard:");

userin = Console.ReadLine();

price = Convert.ToDouble(userin);

return price;

} // end GetPricePerSquareYard

static double CalcCostOfCarpet(double length, double width, double price, double cost)

{ // start calculate carpet

cost = (length * width) / 9 * price;

return cost;

}// end calculate carpet

static void DisplayCostOfCarpet(double cost)

{ // start DisplayCostOFCarpet

Console.WriteLine("Cost of Carpet{0:C}", cost);

Console.WriteLine("Press Return to Continue");


} // end DisplayCostOfCarpet



now grade my answer

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