Monday, May 24, 2010

I had an u/s done and they didn't see anything, my HCG is low but doubling, I had a m/c last month, what's up?

I miscarried on November 1st. I got a positive hpt on 12/5, my hcg level was 11 on 12/5. Is it to early to see anything on an ultrasound? Are my levels too low? Is it possible that I am not as pregnant as my last mensus( miscarriage) would predict I am?

I had an u/s done and they didn't see anything, my HCG is low but doubling, I had a m/c last month, what's up?
With abortion, as well as miscarriage, it's normal to test positive for a month or two until you get back on your period and your body stops producing the hormone. I would wait a few weeks or so to know for sure. I know personally how difficult it is to deal with the loss of a child, and I used to hope that it didn't really happen, or that I would still be pregnant. Just hang in there. You might go and see a doctor too and discuss the possibilities.
Reply:I would wait and go back to the doctor. It may be too early to tell. If the hcg is doubling as it should, then when you go back to the doctor it should be higher. We miscarried Aug. 22. I found out I was pregnant again on Sept 19th. By then I was only like 2 weeks along, and your hcg level is not very high. I went to the doctor a couple weeks after that and everything was okay. I didn't have my first u/s until like 7weeks and I only knew it was that far from the u/s since I never actually had a period in between miscarriage and conception. Just wait it out take care of yourself, take your vitamins, drink lots of h20, no caffiene or junk food and take my advice bulk up on the fiber.

Good luck
Reply:You're probably just barely pregnant, they cant see anything in most cases until 6-8 weeks into a pregnancy, and your levels, although doubling, indicate you're too soon for that.

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